
let there be love

New York is a concentrated city and whether you are on the subway or in the street, sometimes it’s hard not to overhear conversations being had around you. More often than not, the topic is “relationships”, with various personal anecdotes teetering around this fulcrum point.

That's a realization that came to me a few weeks back. I was in Prospect Park at the time and jogging uphill, fittingly, right before the turnoff at Grand Army Plaza. I passed a couple of women walkers who were thoroughly entrenched in discussion about an email correspondence with a male friend (“so, if he signed it “best”, does that mean that he’s trying to keep me at arm’s length?”). I instantaneously rolled my eyes but then caught myself, realizing that their conversation sounded a hell of a lot like too many that I have had with my own friends. I am an over-analyzer to the core, as are a lot of women and perhaps, a lot of men as well. There seems to be no sport more enjoyable, more inherently alluring, than over-analyzing interactions between members of the opposite sex, whether they be face-to-face, on the phone, or online.

I got to thinking that perhaps these days girls and guys are doing too much talking, too much thinking, and not enough doing. At that point I had just moved to Brooklyn and didn’t know any better. After being here for about a month, I have come to realize that there are many happy couples in the world, and they have all congregated in this particular borough, with plans to procreate.


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